Bars and beats

Hello everyone. Does anyone know how to widen the upper ruler in Cubase of bars and beats? not lengthen or shorten that is no problem, but widen to facilitate access, I don’t know if I have explained myself well, in any case, thanks for your attention


If I understand you right (that you want to make it higher), then I’m sorry, this is not possible.

A weird workaround is, you could create 1 or more ruler track and put them on top so you will have more space to click if that is what you need. :slight_smile:



If the reason is too have more space where to click to, you can change the preference and get the option to click to the empty space. :wink:

But I like the creative thinking of the workaround. :blush:

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Thanks :smile:

Hello everyone. Does anyone know how to widen the upper ruler in Cubase of bars and beats? not lengthen or shorten that is no problem, but widen to facilitate access, I don’t know if I have explained myself well, in any case, thanks for your attention
Thank you very much for your prompt response, thanks to that I have solved my problem, again thank you very much

this is hard to believe, I have been using Cubase for 30 years or more since I had Cubase 3, now I use 11 Pro and always my problem was that to indicate the left locator I always hard to go up until the pencil appeared and it was quite complicated , and just now… trying to understand your opinions I have realized that if I press control before approaching the hand appears and I can directly point to the left locator

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And Alt+click is the Right Locator.

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correct, what I was doing wrong is pressing control or alt, after I reached with the pencil
De nuevo muchas gracias, y un saludo cordial desde España