basic question about what instrument tracks are

To get you guys started, anyway!


Also, can someone say whether they think what I took away from this Steinberg video ( YouTube ) is correct or not please?

  1. Advantage to Tracks: (2:00 in the video) Only Instrument Tracks allow you to create/recall Track Presets of really complicated combinations of output channels, MIDI inserts, channel strip settings, etc. Can’t do that with Instrument Racks.

  2. Advantage to Racks: (5:26 in the video). Only Instrument Racks allow you to hook up a hardware controller, and have it “learn” a quick control. Can’t do that with Instrument Tracks.

If I’m understanding that correctly, it sounds like a real bummer … means I can’t create those great Track Presets (big time saver, that), and then later use my BCF 2000 to control the VST Quick Control … have to use a mouse. So, gotta choose between the convenience of a Track Preset, or the convenience of a hardware controller … but not both at once??

Is that really so?