Batch process dual mono to mono (also Stereo and mono)

I have several files:

  • Stereo files
  • Dual mono files, that sometimes have more signal level, or only signal in one side, I would like to use the side that has more level.
  • An mono files
    Is there a way to create a batch process in Wavelab to analyse these files, then export stereo as stereo files, mono as mono files, and for dual mono export the loudest side as a mono file?

You can, of course, batch render dual-mono files to stereo files (and, of course, stereo to stereo and mono to mono).
But there is no way to extract a single channel of a dual-mono file, based on the loudest level.
Please explain the use case of this.

Hello PG1,
Thanks for your reply.
I have several mixes exported from a DAW with many tracks. To optimize the read speed of the hard disk, I prefer to delete one side of the dual mono file, this way it only has half the data size. It also makes it easier for me to pan those tracks in my DAW.