Batch processing

Hello. Trying to batch process audio files. I open FILE>OPEN>BATCH PROCESSOR. But then all the MP3 files are grayed out and I am unable to select any.

What am I doing wrong?


No, do:
Workspace > New Workspace > Batch Processor.

Then drop your files in the new window, and check the documentation.

Thank you. Unfortunately that doesn’t work. I try to drop the files in the window and my mouse pointer turns into the little “anti” sign indicating they cannot be dropped. If I then attempt to open files the traditional way from that window, they are grayed out.

I am using the trial version. Could that be the problem? The web site says trial has full functionality though

You must drop files there:

Thanks but I don’t see that icon. Here is what I see after I open workspace>new workspace>batch processor…

OH. I see now. I have to create a “new document” first. Wow. Unorthodox workflow. Still figuring it out. Ok thanks