"Beamed Rests" feature crashes Cubase

Hello, I have created a new topic to report this error related to my previous post.
Cubase 64bit 2022.1.26 (628.7 KB)
I attach the .dmp file and simple instructions to recreate it in a few steps. I have tried on another secondary machine that I have with another operating system where I have installed Cubase 11.0.41 from scratch using the default options to test and the same thing happens. Everything seems to indicate that it is a Cubase bug.
I hope this is taken into account, and that it helps improve the stability of Cubase Score Editor in the future. Greetings and thanks

  1. Create an empty project.
  2. Add a midi track and draw 4 bars
  3. Open the midi track with the Score editor and go to file–print
  4. Go to: Score—Settings–Notation style—H.W Henze Style–Click Beamed rests.
  5. Write 4 notes with the value of sixteenth notes and erase the first and the last so that they are replaced by rests of sixteenth notes.
  6. Move the stems that match the rests, or use the position info box or the alignment options to move them. This produces “A serious problem has occurred” messages that many times do not allow the stems to move and other times even lead to complete Cubase crashes or freezing of the program.

Confirmed, but intermittent. The first and second tries resulted in crash notifications, but after that I have been able to move things around with no crash. Strange redraw artifacts are showing up though (the stems are drawn wrong), so there’s a bug.

But what is the purpose of

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Yes I confirm also, as in your other thread.
Thanks for detailed repro. It will be reported to Steinberg.

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Ok thank you, Steve and Maestro.
As Steve says, graphic artifacts like lines appear too. I’m working on a multi-staff piece where I’ve tried to use this and in a case like that the graphic artifacts become a problem as they run through the whole score and appear very frequently. In a case like the example with a single staff the problem is intermittent as Steve says but in a piece with several staves and tracks it gets worse and the stability is even more compromised.

I think I found the reason for the intermittence observed by @steve .
The crash only occurs when the rests are at the ends of the beams.
Give it a try and confirm please.

Yes exactly. I confirm that and add that the crash occurs when the silences are at the end or also at the beginning of the beams. Which are precisely the sectors that coincide with the blue points to adjust the height of the stems.

ends = left and right ends.

Well, with this bug that feature is a no-go till its fixed.

No… What I’m saying is that sometimes it doesn’t repro, exactly following this repro:

  1. Create an empty project.
  2. Add a midi track and draw 4 bars
  3. Open the midi track with the Score editor and go to file–print
  4. Go to: Score—Settings–Notation style—H.W Henze Style–Click Beamed rests.
  5. Write 4 notes with the value of sixteenth notes and erase the first and the last so that they are replaced by rests of sixteenth notes.
  6. Move the stems that match the rests