Beaming over rest without stemlet

I have “Allow rests within beams” selected, as well as “Allow stemless rests at start and end of beam”, but I’m unable to create a stemless beam between an eighth rest and eighth note at the start of the measure. This is how it looks now:
1 beam rest
I can right-click and choose “Force stemlet beam” and I get this:
2 stemlet
But I don’t want the stemlet, only the beam. If I choose “Suppress stemlet beam”, the result is a beam that’s too short:
3 suppress stemlet
How do I extend (force) only the eight-note beam over the eighth rest?

Does this what you want?

Ah, right – didn’t register there’s a difference between “within” and “at start”. Thanks.

To the developers: I am wondering, though, why Dorico makes it easy to force a beam with stemlets but not without stemlets? Would be extremely convenient. In this particular project, for example, I’d much rather force a couple of these beams, rather than keep breaking beams over rests where I don’t want them (as I just started doing).

I never use stemlets. Just set one of the other options and save as default.

[Edit: I think this question below is still relevant. I’ll recheck “solution” for @meixner later, either if there’s a solution to the issue (why easy with stemlets and difficult without them) or if it becomes clear there is no solution.]

Right, but my questions was just why is Dorico’s beaming made so easy with stemlets, but not without them. You can very conveniently beam a rest and a note with right-click → “Force stemlet beam”. Like you, I don’t use stemlets, and it seems arbitrary that our only option is to apply the change to the entire piece in Notation Options.

I f this helps - or more as an aside - you can manipulate individual stemlets:

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Definitely helpful as a workaround.

Still hoping there’s a simple way of doing this, since clearly Dorico can do it without the stems. Hoping someone from the team will chime in.

But you have full control with these, no?

That is, if you include/exclude rest while “Beam together” - so it is easy already. Or maybe I misunderstand what you want?
beaming over rests

(sorry, I cut off the relevant “Beaming” submenu in the example]

EDIT: and of course all this is much faster with key shortcuts, incl selections

Not sure I follow, sorry. So without having the Notation Options setting on that allows beams over rests, the right-click → “Beam Together” doesn’t do anything (but “Force Stemlet Beam” does). But if I have the option on, combinations of (say) eighth rest + eighth note will be beamed everywhere in the flow, and I need to break the beam where I don’t want it.

Ok, got the point now - sorry. I think what you want isn’t available indeed (maybe one of the masters here knows a better way).

Me personally: in this case I would just go over score with kbd shortcuts in hand, and maybe also applying beaming patterns by meter and/or

…and other settings that bring me near the goal. It depends on the length of the piece of course also.

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