Beat Designer Midi "IMPORT"???


Does anybody know if it possible to import a midi file into the beat designer, either by drag and drop or by using the media/loop browser?

I understand how to export the midi from beat designer to the arranger view, but I would like to have the option of importing pre-made midi files without having to program the beat designer sequencer.

Thank you.

I’m quite sure that this can’t be done.
But for me this would be a very welcome feature for one of the next upgrade paths.

I Completely agree.
I have a huge library of midi patterns for I would like to use.
Its unfortunate that I have to physically input each note in the sequencer…

Impossible with BeatDesigner.
But possible with Arpeggiator (drag drop)
Play one note = Midi pattern

You can import/drag & drop your own midi files directly into Groove Agent from Media Bay and even drum map them but they won’t map into Beat Designer!

Interesting I thought about the Arpeggiator yesterday.
I’ll give that a Try.

Unfortuetly is I have Percussion patch with to congas it wont work… :frowning:

I’m trying to utilize these midi files efficiently.
The Browser takes forever to preview them in context.
And manually editing them for variations is very boring in Piano roll editor.

This would be a great improvement.

I don’t if it’s possible but is there a way to create a Beat Designer preset from a drum map and then import it into Beat Designer…just brain storming a possible workaround?!

Very interesting… i’ll have to check that out. More research from the manual…
I have been spending a lot of time trying to work the Groove Agent SE pattern Bank into to workflow.
i have been importing the midi drum patterns directly into Groove agent, then dragging them on to the Piano roll… Making alterations then bouncing them back on to Groove agent on the free pattern pads… Very time consuming… It would be a lot faster if we could drag and drop directly on the Beat Designer…