Best DAW but what an absolute headache for decades

Ok. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ if you say so. Pretty sure If I say that to my boss he’d laugh and/or fire me. There’s really no denying it. Want pics? I’ll have access to 500 or so machines tomorrow

services sit there in the background until needed - if you manage 500 machines, you can set them to off as a group policy.

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500 machines with Windows 11 Pro and Candy Crush in the start menu? Sure, I’ll take some pictures. Here’s a pic of mine:

No Candy Crush.

Yes but why does MS Server have Xbox services in the first place? You have to enable items like VSS, Telnet, and other practical tools in domain environments as Roles/Features but XBox is there on day one. Seems like something to be installed independently if someone had a need for that in a server build

Congratulations! You customized your Start menu! Bravo.
Now, go back and look at what I said. The Start menu is an executable now. Before Windows 10, it was part of the OS.
I know you have Candy Crush stuck in your craw and its mention triggered you, but it doesn’t change the fact that bloat like it is pitched to people during searches and/or is installed as an App… Are you ignoring that whole other section of Windows? You can find it in Settings.

Regardless of what your particular install has (or has left), I’ve seen Microsoft add a lot of crap over the last few years that isn’t necessary and consumes resources.

I never said Cubase doesn’t run, or even doesn’t run well on Windows. I only said that I’m surprised it does. I’m not here for a PC vs. Mac debate. I made the mistake of suggesting optimization in someone else’s rant thread… I was actually defending Cubase, but at the expense of Microsoft. No need to cherry pick it.

I’ll make sure this is my last mention of it:

Windows 11 is the most robust OS ever! It does so much!

Happy now? Hope so

I’m not the one whining about it and bringing it up though, am I? I’m just surprised people keep doing it since a) it isn’t an issue if it’s there, b) it’s apparently easy to get rid of, and c) I don’t recall ever seeing it on my install. Literally.

People keep using it as an example of things that are wrong with Win Pro and it just isn’t. There probably are things that are worth complaining about but hardly this one.

I can find what in settings? And what “section of Windows” are you talking about?

Such as? I mean, if you’re going to talk about resource consumption and things that we can’t get rid of why didn’t you bring up one of those items instead of Candy Crush? I’m just genuinely confused.

Not really. I wanted to see pictures of Candy Crush on at least a representative sample of the five hundred machines you “have access to”.

I think he means “Apps”.

Ah, ok.

Nothing under the letter “c” and nothing when doing a search.

With Windows 10, I have 89 background processes and 86 Windows processes using 7 gigabytes of RAM. I can’t be bothered to count the services that are running (I assume most are counted in the processes, anyway). All I’m doing is browsing this forum.

That’s it from me on this (off) topic.


:cherries: :pinching_hand:t3:

When I press the WIN key I get the image I posted earlier. I see my installed software. If I start typing to search for an item then I get results of computer items as I type.

I never see Candy Crush or any other ads because that’s not how I search. I press the WIN key and start typing.

For all of those who are upset about seeing those other search results that’s a pretty easy way around it.

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