Best format to export from Logic into Cubase?

Hi Guys,

I’ve recently returned to Cubase as a long-term Cubase user who worked with Logic on a few projects for about 2 years.

I’m trying to work out the best way to quickly export a project from Logic (the raw audio) and import it into Cubase. I have experimented with Logic’s AAF format but it doesn’t seem to be importable into Cubase.

I would love any recommendations as to the best way to do this.

Cheers and thanks!

Definitely either export as WAV or AIFF files. I would do a batch export, but you could also import the audio from it’s location on your HD.

+1, it’s this simple: WAVs and AIFFs (possibly FLAC compressed) are always going to be readable because these file formats are fully documented and open.

Thanks for the quick reply!

As a lot of the tracks are little details that sit part-way through the song, it could be fairly laborious importing each audio part and trying to work out where it belongs in the track. I’m hoping for an export process that will align each track with the first bar so I can import the lot and they will already be in the correct position in Cubase…

Many thanks for this!

I’m hoping to work out a way of exporting so that all the audio files will start at 1.1.1 - there are so many tracks with small details in random places that this would make it much easier to import into Cubase!

Cheers and thanks,

How about using OMF? Cubase supports type 1 and 2, but I’m not sure about Logic.
I just exported a song from Cubase in OMF format and imported it into Samplitude Pro X. Everything hit right on. No fuss, screwups or glitches.

That is absolutely the best way to work in a multi-DAW environment. Simply batch export (if Logic supports this function) ALL tracks from measure 1 until the end of the project. This way you won’t have any syncing problems and you’ll also save time by not having to re-export the project, or figure out other ways to do it, as is sometimes the case when file formats like OMF and AAF don’t work.

as jose said:

batch export ALL tracks from measure 1 until the end of the project

this is the best and safest method to transferring audiotracks (projects) between different daws ( -->> and different decades!!)


Can be easily done in Logic with:

File → Export → All tracks as audio files


Exactly as Jose and others say, transfer all audio tracks from bar 1 beat 1.

However in a big project you can end up with enormous project file size, so once you have your Cubase arrange page set up, tempo set and all sounding correct, you can cut away all of the audio-silent areas, then ‘Back up Project’ to a new folder (minimise audio files etc). This can reduce project size massively which is better when it comes to archiving and it will also take strain off your audio hard drive as it has only to stream the audio that you need.

BTW I have used .omf to transfer between different Cubase levels (ie. backwards compatible from 6 to 4 for use in another studio) and it has worked very well.


Or just clean up audio from the pool after cutting, and empty the trash there. It has the same effect.

*Arjan P. That’s not as project-filesize efficient - the arrange page looks the same, but the project audio folder would still contain all the full length audio files.

For example, I mix for a number of artists and when the songs arrive (bar1 beat1) they often are around 1.5 gbytes. Once I have tidied and performed ‘Back up Project’, each song is typically around 400mbytes. This is much easier to manage, work on and eventually archive.


No, you should try it. Go to the audio pool (Ctl+P), right click and select Remove Unused Media, select Move to trash. Then right click again and select Empty Trash. You get asked to either erase from HD or remove from pool - select Erase, and files are actually erased.

Hi Arjan P, with apologies for slightly hijacking OP.

That will delete any unused files correct, but since you would still be using sections of all the incoming audio files, all the silent sections would still be available and hence the project filesize remains much larger than necessary.

If you bounce all the audio having trimmed it then, true your system would work, but it’s not time / labour efficient. So I habitually use the backup function and it saves me truckloads of data storage each year.


Yes, indeed you’re right. I just did some tests, and contrary to what I expected, cut off audio isn’t amended from the original source file, decreasing its size. Or maybe someone knows of a preset somewhere that I (we) don’t?