I’ve been trying to figure the best way to do this, but I’m getting confused.
I’m using Cinematic Studio Strings which is programmed to sound an octave lower than it’s written pitch (like a bass in the real world). So C2 in the Key Editor plays C1 on the keyboard.
However, that usually makes the celli and bass parts overlap in the Key Editor which is harder to edit.
What’s the best way to have the basses sound C1 but also be written as C1 in the Key Editor (instead of C2).
Are your Basses & Celli each in their own MIDI Parts or do they share the same Part? and if it is a shared Part how are the instruments differentiated, by Channel #?
Great, that makes it easier. In Cubase you can Transpose MIDI destructively by shifting the actual MIDI Notes up or down within the Part. Or you can do it non-destructively where the Note data stays the same but is adjusted during playback. You want to do the latter.
This can be done in 2 different ways. For either of these start by Editing the Bass Part(s) so the Notes are where you want to visually see them. Method 1) Select all the MIDI Parts and on the Info Line edit the Transpose field, +12 or -12 will playback an octave higher or lower. Method 2) In the Track’s Inspector in MIDI Modifiers section there is a Transpose adjustment.
So method 1 binds the transpose to the MIDI Parts and 2 to the Track.