Better DOP favorites presets management feature request


I have the following Case:
I use macros with DOP presets very intensively. Sometimes it is necessary to remake some presets while keeping the old key combination (this is especially important when an external controller is used to call presets, for example, I use a tablet with Touch portal installed).
At the moment, due to the RX update I have to remake some DOP presets to call the new RX version, but unfortunately there is no way to move the new preset to the old location while keeping the old keyboard shortcut.

Therefore the following feature-requests was born:

  • Please add the ability to move (edit, remove) DOP presets within favorites.
  • Add the ability to assign keys to a preset name (maybe check the name for uniqueness, inside the bank. However, these are just thoughts out loud)

Every time, in order to assign a hotkey to a favorite preset I have to go into DOP to calculate the position then go back to the macro to call this favorites preset - this is extremely inconvenient.

kind regards, Alex


Agree, additionally I think the problem is that the Favorites are always moved up as soon as one of them is deleted.

It would be better to leave the resulting gap, so that the indices (Bank/Favorite) of the other slots would remain the same.

In addition, a new preset could simply be dragged onto the empty slot and there would be no need to edit the references in the macro. Besides that, it should be possible to drag new presets over existing favorites and to replace them this way, instead of placing them at the end.


Yes, totally agree!


Has been reported. Finers crossed that it will be fixed.
