BIAS Amp2 Not working in Cu 11?

FINALLY TS contacted me with this “fix” which basically trashes the local settings / registration. Then it asks. you to do clean login. Note you do this ins the VST in the HOST APP, not the standalone version.

Please follow the instructions below:

  1. Launch BIAS Amp 2 Standalone and close it.

  2. Rename the BIAS_Amp2 folder in Documents/PositiveGrid to “BIAS_Amp2 backup”

  3. Delete “BIAS_Amp2.settings” at “~/Library/Application Support/PositiveGrid”

You have to locate the hidden Library folder by the following instructions:
[ My Note : if you have Enable Library folder turned on, you can navigate directly. Do this in Finder Prefs / Enable Library Folder ]
1). Launch Finder.

2). Click “Shift + Command + G” then copy & paste “~/Library/Application Support/PositiveGrid” to the ​"Go to the folder" window.

  1. Restart your computer.

At least it finally works

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Since you mentioned plugin sandboxing: Would be nice if you could support the FR!
Solution to crashes by plugins - Sandboxing (Crash protection) - Cubase - Steinberg Forums

Same problem here with Bias FX2 on Mac i7 Catalina and Cubase 10.5.
I’m not willing to go to the machine room to fix the wires.
They have to supply running software.

right now there is a different problem. Intel macs work, M1 doesn’t. Bias still hasn’t released a M1 native VST. you can run Cu in Rosetta2 as a clumsy workaround. M1 has been out for almost 2 years, apple is about to phase out the last intel macs in the next few months, none of these VST vendors have any excuse whatsoever about not having an M1 native ver at this point. none except chasing $$$ with new plugins, new features while not take care of basic compatibility. fine. give me my money back since it doesn’t run.

I get this screen loaded forever. It is working but you can’t access the panel.
There is one default sound, no way to change it.

Is there a way to get the output channel of the standalone version fed into an audio port?

scroll back to my post from Aug 21 about uninstall / reinstall / how to register again. worked for me


Positive Grid wrote me, that an iMac 5K, i7, 32GB RAM, 512GB Flash is not suitable for audio production. Here comes the original message. Beware, Positive Grid obviously are scammers.

Most computers on the market today aren’t designed for audio production, and much audio software requires certain amounts of resources from your computer. These resources include hard drive space, RAM, operating system, and CPU. If the resources are being used elsewhere it can affect performance and result in latency when recording.

They have to refund me or I will take them to court.

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Just did it and yes, now it’s running in Cubase after a fresh installation of both, Standalone and vst version.
The same sound, fantastic and brilliant standalone, in Cubase as vst horrible, useless.
There are more people complaining that this is the same issue in other DAW’s not only Cubase.
The Positive Grid Forum is not working anymore, cannot post or reply. Read only.
Some troubleshooting solution ends up on 404 pages.

I’m very concerned, as they run the license server and if they are finally bankrupt, the server not working, end of using the software.

I found the VST had crackling / drops with the UI open. Close the UI and it sounded normal. Well that was the case in Logic running as AU in M1 native mode. Not sure what their problems are. They seems to want to pump out new things while not fixing existing things. I bought the full Amp package about a year ago so kinda upset right now with their lack of M1 VST3 native support. There is just zero excuse at this point as Intel macs are about to cease from being sold, and realistically probably aren’t selling very much.

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I received another Mail from Positive Grid. They ask me to make some video recordings to show the effect. Here we go. But it is difficult to hear the difference with the mic of a mobile phone, however, you can hear it.
The same sound loaded into Cubase Elements and it sounds suddenly dull, cheap, not dynamic, phase distorted.
In fact, Bias FX does not sound as good as standalone. There is a big difference.
Here is the Video

TC 00:00 Standalone
TC 00:26 Cubase
TC 00:46 Standalone
TC 01:10 Cubase

I’m going to suggest checking settings between the two - same sample rate, mono vs stereo, any mix operations going on in audio interface. you also have what looks like some modulation FX in the loop, that being mixed down to mono could be phasing and intermodulating. I’d start with bare clean little as possible and check from there.

Thanks for your reply, Steve.
There are no other FX or whatever in Cubase. It goes from the Audio straight to the output.
There was another User in the Positive Grid Forum, which is on Read only mode recently, who reported exactly the same issue.
There is just today a new version released, I installed them all, Standalone and VST but nothing changed. Bias FX is in Cubase useless for me (and maybe for everyone).
I use Bias FX only for the Bass and they have some really good amps there.
But with “too bad to record” just a listening tool for jamming. Sad.

They may of updated FX but not Amp. still same ver.
They may of updated their website slightly - supported formats doesn’t include VST3, therefore Cu12 won’t load them, and since Cu doesn’t support AU, no help there either. Now I"m really regretting buying it. This is not how you support customers, even if it was a minor paid update, you don’t leave them non-functional and stuck like this. Now I guess I may have to look for another Amp sim and realize 2 projects now will may never go back to where they were. I’ll have to dial up similar tones with another product :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: This is bad because I had wanted to touch up the mixes a little, now it’ll be more work. IF this was paid outside client work… I so would not want to be them. They just need to release VST3 M1 and fix these other problems. I can’t go backwards on OS or Cu now. Maybe in hindsight I would of made a bootable OS 12.5 / Cu11 SSD I could boot from but apple has made that very hard now, used to be simple.

Now I got an answer from Positive Grid from the 4th different person who obviously did not understand the topic and now sending me suggestions same in your post, to rename files etc.
They did not even read the complaint and just let you do something that keeps you busy and let you feel they are into it.
Bias FX /Amp is running and it doesn’t need their rename etc. action, just install standalone and vst again. The point is, as many other users complain, it doesn’t sound in Cubase like standalone.

It sounds awful in Cubase but powerful standalone.
I spent a lot of time making them the demo video and they even did not understand later on what’s about it.
So forget about recording, Positive Grid is a support free practice toy.
Very sad, some bass amp simulation sounds quite good.

I made another test in Harrison Mixbus 32C V6 with the same result.
So it is not Cubase.

Topic closed.

sorry. ok I do have a really stupid workaround. since I have 2 systems, I can install bias2 stand alone on another system, then send its interface digital out to my primary systems digital in. solved, well only if you have 2 systems preferably with digital out->in. This may sound weird but I could even use the 2nd system running standalone as an effects processor : primary system / digital out → secondary system running Amp2 / digital out → primary system. sure that adds about 10ms of latency with my setup in total back and forth but I can make that work.