When I choose two bars of notes and edit their playback suppression on passes they will disappear as soon as I place some notes in these bars. It seems like the suppression is bound to the rests instead.
Therefore I wanted to ask if there is a way to bind those edits to the bar (it would save me a lot of tedious and repetitive work) or a different way for my edited properties not to disappear.
Thank you very much for any kind of help ^^
Erm? Surely that is expected behaviour? The notes you place replace the notes that have the suppression property set. You could of course add notes in a different voice.
Suppressed playback is a property of a note, not a bar.
I am aware of that, thats I’m asking if there is a way to make the playback suppression a property of the bar, so that when I’m changing notes within I won’t have to configure the suppression all over again.
I’m working on a peace right now, where certain bars repeat up to 10 times in the playback with multiple of them being on suppression.
It would be lovely, if there was a way to have the suppression remain on these bars without having to tediously adding them back on again and again
Suppression is a property of the notes. You can transform those notes in many ways and they will retain the suppression property.