I am coming to Dorico from Finale. Most things I have been able to change, but there are five things (four that are particularly problematic for distributing the parts) that I cannot figure out, but which were a breeze in Finale. I have the file available if someone would like it to see it, but, as you will see, part of the issue is that the file will not display the copyright.
(1) I cannot get the “Copyright” information to display on page 1. I have tried changing the colors, and nothing changes.
(2) On subsequent pages, I tried to simply have page numbers as footers (not headers), and on the left for left pages and the right for right pages. This has seemed to work, but then after a certain number of pages, Dorico stops following my requests.
(3) Similar to no. 2, I want the title to display on the left and right footers, and so far, nothing has seemed to convince Dorico to display these correctly, even with trying to create my own Page Layout and also modifying the Default. Nothing is consistently working. This was a breeze with the “Page Layout Tool” in Finale.
(4) Most disturbingly, Dorico duplicated pages 1-11 of my document, so if I am to print it, the pianist (who reads from the score) gets a duplication of the first 11 pages. I cannot find out how to explain to Dorico that this is “wrong.” (Not that I would have guessed Dorico would get this wrong.)
(5) Not as important, but still important for me to eventually resolve, is being able to stretch tempo marks or the like over two lines, viz.
G. P.
(in tempo)
Right now, I can only have everything on one line, which can be an issue for formatting. (Again, this was a breeze in Finale.)
Anybody able to help me, particularly with items 1-4? These are going to make giving the parts to players virtually impossible (and also problematic as far as displaying the copyright info; I am not sure why Dorico is doing this to me).
Ian Guthrie