Black windows

I have just updated from 7.5 to 11. And I have bought a new Mac mini and a n AXR4. After a few rounds with the e-licenser I finally got to open Cubase11. But the “new project window” is black with no buttons. And the project window is also black. What is this?

this is a graphics issue indicating that your graphics hardware is not able to handle the GUI of Cubase 11
Which OS?

Hi! Its a new mac mini with Big Sur. Maybe that is the problem…

Maybe yes… but I’m not sure about that.
You should wait until one of the MAC guys chimes in…

or search for a similar problem

I have new 4K monitor from LG. Could it be something there? Haven’t updated since 2011. Paying the price…

have a look…

Thank you! I’ll look into it.

you can install C-10.5 for the moment to get up and running
some versions can coexist on one system
and it should be available to you since you have 11

Try a search, this was discussed some days ago.