Blank uke tab for fingering?

Newbie here. This is a ukulele transcription for my son. He’s wanting to figure out the fingerings by writing them in. Is there a way to hide the numbers in the tab so he can write them in manually?

A dirty method would be to set Library > Font Styles > Tablature Numbers Font to a font that doesn’t have any number or question mark glyphs. It should be pretty quick, as long as you know someone who makes fonts :rofl:


Could you create two Ukuleles and set the 1st to Notation only and the 2nd to Tab only?


Another dirty brute force kinda method i use when i’m in a hurry is to export to pdf and open in affinity designer and select the last fingering at the bottom of the page and do “delete” until the first fingering

There’s an Engraving Option for erasing (or not erasing) background behind fret numbers. You might get a cleaner result if you turn it off.

To elaborate on the earlier reply by @Janus - one potential nuisance is that the whole-bar rests in the TAB notation might not be easily hidden/removed. If that problem can be overcome, his suggestion is one that I would adopt if I found myself in the same situation as described by @dan_kreider.

Thanks everyone, a couple good options here.