Boss EV 1 WL expression pedal set up help

Hi all, I’m complete newbie when it comes to midi so any help appreciated. I have bought Boss EV1WL to control vst plugin parameters (way, volume, whammy, etc) in cubase 12. I have calibrated and set up device with standalone versions of some of the plugins successfully (neural dsp, bias fx), with some it didn’t work (stl tones, nembrini). My main problem is setting it up to work with plugins inside Cubase.

Does it show up in Studio Setup as a MIDI Input device?

Yes, it does.

That’s a good start. From here on there are several ways to skin the cat. The simplest, most straightforward method is probably to create a MIDI Track, route the MIDI output of that track to your plugin and your pedal to the input. With the MIDI track Record Enabled, the plugin should receive MIDI from your pedal. From here on you might have to refer to the manual of the plugin on how to control parameters with MIDI CC if it is not apparent from its interface. (Many plugins make it super easy where you just right click on a control, select “MIDI Learn” and move your controller/pedal around.)

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It works, thank you.