Bracketing Instrument Sections and Condensing

I am working on creating an easy to read (for the conductor) score. It was suggested to me to remove bar lines between instrument sections, which is something and had not considered, and with help here on the forum, the first thing I had to do, according to the procedure, was to disable condensing. That was a good lesson learned. However, not being able to condense parts makes things a bit cramped. I wound up changing the rastral size from 6 to 8, which you can see in this excerpt from the score. Is it still possible to condense parts after making the bar line adjustment separating the different instrument sections and then increase the rastral size again? I hope this all makes sense.
Excerpt-Staff Spacing.dorico (687.2 KB)

Hi @Art51tra , you can change the barlines also after condensing. I made a short video to show how to do this:


Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! I will give it a shot.

If the number of staves or their grouping changes in subsequent systems, you may need to set again the barlines splits from that position onwards (you can see where you made changes, because Dorico puts a Bracket and Barline change brown signpost where the change was made), depending on what is going on in your Project.

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Now I can finish the project!!! Thank you so much.

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Glad it helped, @Art51tra .