I want to add an editorial tempo marking to an early music edition. Here’s what I type in the popover:
[Doppio movimento w=60]
Here’s what appears in the music:
[Doppio movimento] actualwholenote=60
In other words, the 2nd bracket moves from the end of the expression to the end of the text portion.
What is the most efficient way for me to enclose the entire expression in brackets?
I think this comes under “editorial brackets” that aren’t generally supported yet. The best method I can think of is to add 2 system text items for the brackets. Attach them both to the same beat as the tempo mark, turn off collision avoidance for both in Engrave, and position them manually. This way has the slight advantage that the font & size can be different if desired, and the spacing and alignment can be exactly as you want.
Since you’re not looking for playback, I’d probably add this marking as just one System Text item. I frequently use the MusGlyphs Text font for this sort of thing. You can also type or paste the unicode quarter note (♩, U + 2669) in the midst of the other system text. If you also need playback, you could always add the tempo marker and then hide the playback tempo indication.