Buffer Empty after Stop-Retrospective record unavailable-

I have noticed that when I try to make a retrospective record after stop playback, the buffer is empty.
-If a play some notes without playback Retrospective Record is ok.
-If a play some notes during playback and make a Retrospective Record, its ok.
-BUT -If a play some notes during playback and stop playback, buffer is empty.
Its some kind of RESET at stop but I deactivated this function from Midi preferences and the problem is still there.
This is a MIDI MONITOR captured after play and stop, without sending notes or CCS from my keyboard:

My MIDI Ports:

Windows 11 Pro
Metaserver 5.0.3
Metagrid Pro 1.6.4
Cubase 14.0.10


I believe, this is by design.

Do you mean its a bug?


No, I mean, it’s by design. It behaves as specified.

I searched the manual:
You have played MIDI notes in Stop mode or during playback, and you want to recover them."
But in Cubase 12 I was able to make a RR even after stop playback

I could make a RR after stop if I use the Keyboard on Screen (alt+K) device so maybe something’s wrong with my MIDI Ports

It was Metagrid Ports in ALL MIDI In. I deactivated then and now RR works even after Stop playback