Bug? and a little help with key commands maybe?

Hi all. I’m finding that when I try and set a key command that is already assigned, it gives me a warning that it’s already assigned, I hit OK, but that the key command does not actually change. Nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong? Do other people face this?

Related to this, I’m trying to assign “Start Note Input” to the letter F. It is the single most used key command for me, and it should be easily accessible to my left hand, without a modifier. F is the easiest to find because of the tactile nature of it. But, because of the above problem, I can’t reassign it, UNLESS I find the key command for F, and remove it there.

The problem is, I can’t find F in the key commands anywhere. I see that it changes the stem direction, but searching stem direction doesn’t bring me to it. I can’t find “F” in the key commands search, so I am not able to reassign note input to F until I find it.

What is the action that F triggers called in the key commands search bar?

Is anyone else not able to reassign key commands to keys that have been taken without manually finding the action and removing the key command there?

Thanks all!

I can find the command under Edit > Flip.

You can also start Note Entry by double clicking, or pressing Enter. Or Shift N.

Flipping stuff (F applies to everything – lyrics, slurs, dynamics, stems, fermatas, etc, etc) is quite a common task in itself, so you might want to save that one.

Just having the shortcut showing in the little field does not actually assign it. You have to hit the Add Key Command button next to it, and then it appears listed in the field below. The reason this is complex is that we can assign multiple shortcuts to one command.

Removed X from ZOOM (I zoom with a mousewheel)
Removed F from flip
Added X to Flip (as I had it in Sibelius)
Added F to Edit Item or Start Note Input

Thanks all!