Bug - Edit Link Group Settings... - I can't rename group right away

I believe this might be a bug, as I don’t recall having this issue with Cubase 13. However, if it’s not a bug, I hope this can be improved in the future.

When I try to rename a VCA group, I hover over the group name, click on the down arrow that appears, and select “Edit Link Group Settings…”. A pop-up window opens, but the group name field is locked, and I’m unable to rename it.

The only way I can access the field is by activating or deactivating any option (like Volume, Pan, etc.) or pressing “ESC.”

Could someone please confirm if this behavior is consistent for them?

For reference, I’m on a Mac Studio M2 Ultra, running Ventura 14.7.1 and Cubase Pro 14.0.10.

Maybe I am missing the point here. You just want to rename the VCA track, right?
Than why don’t you do it right here with a double click on the name?

Thanks Reco for your message. :slight_smile:
I don’t wish to rename the VCA track itself but rather the VCA group. While renaming the fader works as you described, the issue lies with renaming the group name field specifically.

In Cubase 13, as I recall, we could assign a distinct name to the group without issue. However, in Cubase 14, it seems there’s a bug that locks the group name field until certain options (like volume or pan) are toggled or press ESC on the keyboard.

Sorry, I should have read your title more carefully.

Renaming Link Groups still works here on C14.0.10 Pro like it should and did in C13. I am on Win 10, maybe this is OS related? Let’s see if someone else on a Mac can confirm this behaviour before assuming it is your specific system.

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Thanks Reco! I appreciate your helping spirit! :pray:t2:

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