BUG?: Enter key issue in automation selection More dialog

Hey guys, please confirm another little bug if you can :slight_smile:

I’m on PC / Windows 7x64 with Cubase 6.0x32. This feature worked perfectly in Cubase 4.5.2.

Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create a new empty project
  1. Add an audio track and draw an empty part
  2. Ensure the new part is selected
  3. Using the automation downward arrow button, select More
  4. Click on the dialog box and then browse to any automation parameter with your keyboard’s arrow keys
  5. Hit enter to select one and notice that as well as selecting the automation parameter, Cubase also opens the selected audio part


    • Click OK in the More dialog box with your mouse
  • Close the window that opens after hitting enter

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Humpty bumpy, can anyone please confirm this one for me? :slight_smile:

One last bump, just was hoping someone could confirm this one for me? :slight_smile: