[Bug] moving cuts on grouped events

There’s this really great new feature where you can move the position of a cut via mouse after you have done it. I already use it million times a day…

But this does not work on grouped events! Every other editing feature like trim, fade, volume etc is done simultaneously on all grouped events…

It would be great if this could be fixed!

I’m fairly certain it works when you put the tracks in a folder and use the Group Edit function (much better than Grouped tracks - IMHO).

…use the Group Edit function (much better than Grouped tracks - IMHO).

The issue I described is adressing grouped audioevents, and no grouped tracks.
Otherwise I’m with you in most cases. Right now I’m dealing with a bunch of mono-splitted stereo files in a stem session. Editing them cannot be done with folder tracks in an elegant way, since I would need one folder track for every two audio tracks.