When I have more than one flow, pointing to a video, each flow having a different video-start-offset , the resulting flows export the video sound from the offset of the first flow.
Example: create two flows, attach a video file that has sound to both flows. For the first flow, have a Video Start Offset of 5 minutes and for the second flow have it at 10 minutes. When you play them in WRITE mode, everything is fine. When you export them, both flows have the video sound from 5 minutes.
This is a very repeatable issue for me.
Whether it is related or not, yesterday I was getting no video-audio at all from some of my older dorico files (a few weeks and few months old). whilst in WRITE mode. The only fix I could come up with was to re-render the video files and attach to the newly rendered videos. Don’t know why it made them work but it has.
I’ve never noticed this problem before. Could it be related to the recent dorico update?
Hoping someone might be able to give me a steer as to what to try next.