Hi everyone,
I’m a new user, soming from Finale and I just tried to put in my fist songtext. Unfortunately I can’t get the cursor to jump to the next note by pressing space, I have to select every single note and put in text.
How do I change that?
I read the help texts and -as far as I understood - it should just work, but doesn’t…
Yes, it is…- and that’s probably the solution…?!
I’m a drummer and drum-teacher - and used to write stuff for my students with Finale. In some sheets I need to put in stickings or other texts and Finale didn’t care, that it was a percussion staff…
Hm. Using lyrics to write RLRLR… (as an example) exactly over/under a bar of notes did not seem like faking anything - it worked perfectly well.
So: Any other ideas why I possibly can’t? I’d really like to use lyrics for that, because with Playing Techniques I’m again stuck with doing it note for note, right?
Normally Lyric input “jumps” when the music is not in one voice. I am no expert in drum notation, but can you select the whole system and Change Voice to Upstem Voice 1?
Sure, but it’s not really a lyric. There’s nothing inherently wrong with doing things that way, but in general it’s better to use the right tool for the job.
In this case, Dorico already has R and L playing techniques (and probably other ones you want as well). It’s true that you have to assign these to each note, but what you can do is enter the first R and the first L with the playing techniques popover (Shift+P), and then select the R and Alt+click on each additional note where you want that technique to duplicate it. (And repeat for the L.) It goes very quickly, probably even as fast as using lyrics.
You’re on a good way here. I opened another document (I only got two so far, just trying to find out how things work) and there I was able to put in some more words before it stopped, but it might have to do with voices - not directly obvious though.
I’m going to experiment in that direction…
Thank you very much @benwiggy - that was very helpful
Sorry @asherber, I didn’t see your replay (probably busy writing my own) - thanks for sharing this additional to @benwiggy 's post regarding “using the right tool”…
I’m going to look into it