Bug with Pedal Continuation Parenthesis and Leipzig music font


I have found a bug (I believe) with the Leipzig Font and the parenthesis on continuation pedal lines.

The parenthesis do not display properly and instead display a missing glyph character. I checked the characters in Library > Music Symbols > Pedal Lines and everything seems to be fine.

Attached here is a file that depicts this behavior:
Leipzig Font Displaying Pedal Continuation Bug.dorico (586.8 KB)

If I edit the offset or scale of either the Left or Right "Parenthesis for Pedal Markings, " the pedal markings will show. In the following file I edited the X offset of the left parenthesis by 0.01. In Engrave mode, this causes the left parenthesis and line to become ‘detached’ from the rest of the pedal symbol and right parenthesis.

When moving the continuation symbol in Engrave mode, it moves the left parenthesis and the line but leaves ‘Ped.)’ in the same place and I cannot edit its position.

Here is the second file displaying this behavior:
Leipzig Font Displaying Pedal Continuation Bug [Edits to Music Symbols].dorico (591.4 KB)

I thought this might have to do with using an additional stave in the piano part in the score where I first encountered this issue, but the Dorico files I’ve posted seem to show that the number of staves does not matter.

Is there any workaround for this in the meantime?

Thank you!

The Leipzig font has a very limited range of music glyphs.

It should be possible to set a “substitute” font, to which Dorico will fall back if the glyph isn’t there. You can do this in Font Styles > Default Music Font.

Otherwise, you’ll have to change the symbols for those in another font in Music Symbols editor.

Or use another font. :grin:

Thank you for the response!

The Bravura font is already set as a substitute font but the issue is still occurring.

I replaced the parenthesis with parenthesis from the Bravura font set, and then changed the Ped. glyph as well to keep things consistent. For some reason the symbol still acts weirdly in Engrave mode. Is there a reason that the position of the Ped glyph and right parenthesis remain uneditable?

Have you made a manual adjustment? Is that line the pedal line?

That is the pedal line. It is the same behavior as the pedal line in the second Dorico file I added in my initial post.

That’s because your Y Offset is set to : -2 5/8

Just set it back to 0 and it’s all good!


I also came across this behaviour the other day. In Music Symbols I substituted the Bravura parentheses with the glyphs from another font (Bembo) and, as described by the OP, when altering the Y offset of a continuation, the line and left parenthesis move, but the Ped. and right parenthesis don’t move.

Well, yes, I set that offset intentionally to show that the “Ped.)” wasn’t moving along with the left parenthesis.

I’m trying to move the entire Ped. glyph and line, not just the left parenthesis. There is no way I can find to move the “Ped.)” only the left parenthesis and the line move. That Y offset was me trying to move the entire Ped glyph, but only the left parenthesis was able to be moved.

Unless I’m missing something, that Y offset should affect the entire “(Ped.)” text and continuation line, not just the left parenthesis and line.

Have you found any solution to this?

The Y offset in the Properties panel, (in the Pedal Lines section, not “Common”,) works for me. I can’t find a way to manually drag the line vertically, though.

Ben, it’s working for you presumably because you haven’t changed the glyphs for the parentheses. That’s what appears to cause the problem.

To tanner.olivas: I was fortunate in only needing one instance of this, so I cheated. I turned off the continuation parentheses in Engraving Options/Pedal Lines/Design, and then entered the parentheses as a text item and moved it into position.

Ah, I see, I ended up changing the Ped Glyphs entirely to Bravura text, and it behaves as expected while not affecting the look of the document to drastically.

It’s unfortunate that we can’t use certain fonts in this case. I’m wondering what could be causing this.