BURNING Redbook CDs from Montage Workspace

If I set up a AUDIO MANGAGE WORKSPACE and edit my audio files and try to burn a CD I am having trouble. From the MONTAGE WORKSPACE I can’t get my audio files into the CD Tool window. My workaround has been to start by importing my audio files into the AUDIO FILES WORKSPACE, BASIC AUDIO CD window, and convert to AUDIO MONTAGE. At this point I can go to work in the MONTAGE workspace (edit, plugins etc.) And the audio files appear in the CD Tool Window so that I can directly burn a REDBOOK CD.

I have spent hours reading the manual and researching the internet and I know that I must be missing a critical step to simplify this workflow. I want to be able to work in the MONTAGE workspace without having to go through the AUDIO FILES workspace and burn a REDBOOK.

This is very simple: use the “CD Wizard” once you have added the files in the Montage. Look for the CD Wizard in the doc.

will do thanks.