Bus routines presets

How can I create and save bus settings in presets that I can then toggle through?
Every time I open a new project, I have to manually re-set all my buses.

Typically folks use Templates to setup everything how they prefer & then use that for creating new Projects.

Where do I get Templates?

You set up everything as you like it with tracks, busses and routings and save the otherwise empty project as a template > File/Save as template.
If you open Cubase you can open the template that fits your needs for the project that you are going to work on. That’s about it.

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Templates are great for new projects, but if you want to experiment…
You can right-click on an insert in the mixer for a context menu with load and save channel presets.

Are there System settings outside the Cubase environment?

Like (in particular) VOCHLEA - software and peripheral hardware?

I don’t understand your question.

Well…before one even opens Cubase, or any other software, there are audio buses to be set for the system. OK, done.
But when I set buses from inside Cubase, it resets all the sytem buses and after Iog out of Cubase, I have to manually reset to system buses back to what they were before opening Cubas (IF I can remember what they were.) VOCHLEA is an auxilliary program which converts vocals into midi signals to input into the DAW. Vochlea buses are different from the system default. I’m hoping for a toggle routine to reset the various configurations.

Cubase uses its own audio system. On Windows it is vastly more independent from the OS, on Mac a little bit less so. Which OS are you using?

That seems to be a system-specific issue and not related to Cubase. I have never heard of this before.

I am not sure about which busses you are talking. As you mentioned an external program creating mid from audio I assume that this might be audio connections and not groups busses in Cubase terms which have to be restore each time you open Cubase. If you open Cubase after having used your sound to midi software and there is no sound you could use a preset to restore the audio connections as needed for Cubase. So just set all connection like you want them in Cubase and save this as a preset which can be used each time you have an issue,



I’m not sure if this sentence is very clear to anyone and I think it would be helpful if you could specify what audio interface you are using and where and how you are setting up the audio buses you’re referring to above. It may or may not be relevant to audio routing in Cubase.

VOCHLEA is Software package which typically utilizes a proprietary hardware microphone, but it can be configured to utilize a BLUE standard USB mic.

I’ve had three hour-long video conference coaching session with VOCHLEA tech. Each time we finally get it running, it does indeed disable the system audio such that when I close the Vochlea session, I have to reset the system manually.

Is that not a problem with Vochlea then?

Well, I’m a musician not an IT Tech. I’m a babe in the woods when it comes to computer engineering. So I can’t exactly tell what’s the burden from Vochlea vs what’s the burden from Cubase vs what’s the burden from windows.

You are all very kind and I thank you for your feedback.

Perhaps someone can recommend a nice studio engineer in 100 mile range from Western North Carolina whom I can pay to set this up for me.

Thanks All.