I have multiple buzz roll playback techniques. Some of them play back correctly, but others retrigger the sound over and over again. I’ve been troubleshooting for hours and I cannot figure out what on earth could be wrong.
The fp buzz roll plays back perfectly. The Buzz roll + fp technique seems to make it realize it shouldn’t trigger the sample over and over.
The long decrescendo roll is set up identically, but it retriggers the sample over and over when I add a buzz roll to the stem.
I’ve tried editing the percussion playing techniques in every way I can imagine, but nothing works. It’s especially frustrating because with some sounds it just works as expected right away, and with other sounds it won’t work no matter what I do.
If you can attach a minimal project that produces incorrect playback, ideally just a single instrument and one or two bars of music, then I can have a look and see if i can figure out what’s wrong. Unfortunately, from a couple of screenshots of a couple of entries in the percussion map, I can’t even really hazard a guess.
Apologies for the delay. I had to dive into work projects and put off getting this fixed until after they were completed.
I’ve attached a minimal file that is showing this error. As far as I can tell, everything is set up identically from measure to measure. But one measure retriggers the sound over and over and the others work correctly.
Buzz Roll Issues.dorico (1.7 MB)
@dspreadbury Sorry for the delay on my end! I’d love to figure out what isn’t working to get percussion playback working reliably. Could you help with that?
I don’t have VDL installed on my Mac here, but when I load a different plug-in and have it choose a pitched sound so I can see what notes are being triggered, I find that all of the notes are triggering multiple notes. My gut feeling is that the VDL2 SnareLine (Manual) percussion map is somehow at fault. The fact that there are three entries for the same note for e.g. pitches 90, 91, and 92, with different combinations of playback techniques, seems significant to me. I think it would be worth trying removing two of the three entries for each of those notes, leaving only the one that consists of Buzz roll + Medium cresc. (or whatever).