C-12/C-14: Adding Automation Nodes to Snap to Grid - Possible or Not?

I purchased Cubase Pro 14 but am still working in 12 for now, though maybe 14 has a solution to this - or not.

I’ve been using ChatGPT to solve a decent amount of Cubase queries/issues and tried with this one. Had various possible solutions (Automation Panel, Macros) suggested but none work for this particular issue.

Which I stated as:

In the Key Editor one can set the grid quantizing so that when on adds or moves a note, it snaps to the grid. Is there a way to have this occur in the Project window when one adds or moves an automation point?

Manually adding a point is hit and miss and very rarely if ever according to the chosen quantizing.

For example, manually adding a Input Filter - PreGain at bar 119 exactly (119. 1. 1. 0) can result in slightly after or before, i.e. 118. 4. 4. 16.

This becomes tedious for I have to keep going up to change the Start value to the desired exact one - 119. 1. 1. 0 in this case. And for 99% of manually added nodes on any automation lines…

The quantizing works when an exact value such as 119. 1. 1. 0 is moved left or right along the timeline of the automation such as using Ctrl Left/Right Arrow in Windows. But that doesn’t solve the initial issue.

At the end of the “dialogue” with ChatGPT it suggested that maybe this would come under a feature request. But that may be irrelevant, or not.

Whatever the case, any solutions/workarounds welcomed.
Maybe I’m missing something very obvious…

I believe moving an automation point (in time) will snap to the grid. However, moving with the mouse/cursor and keeping the desired value is sometimes a challenge. It would be nice to Alt+click or Ctrl+click to maintain the value while moving. Snap on input with the option to Ctrl+click to override the snap (as in note movement) would be nice too.

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I’ve tried assigning key commands having to do with quantizing such as moving left or right by an 1/8 and such, still no way to do this.

This seems like it should be a default basic feature - just as it is in the Key Editor for notes and so on. It can’t be that hard to code for Bezier curves… :smiling_face: