C-12 Pro: Unable to delete last track automation point

I tend to leave the Volume automation on instrument tracks without any points using the Input Filter - Pregain track instead for volume so that I can use the Volume sliders in the Console for mixing adjustments.

Sometimes I forget and draw out points on the Volume automation tracks, and usually I can select them all, delete and the automation is back to the gray, no-points or “virgin” state where I can use the MixConsole slider But…

For some unknown reason this doesn’t work on some tracks:

All points are deleted, yet the Volume automation line is not gray and set at a fixed level, so I have to add a point to move it up or down. Meaning I can’t use the MixConsole volume sliders.

The opening screenshot shows this:

All visible tracks have gray/virgin Volume automation except the “LUN-PAD” one where the arrow shows that its Volume has no points but is set at 15 dB.

I’ve temporarily tripled the project duration (such as going from its 15 min. length to 45 min.) to see if there are any stray points beyond the the 15 min. but found none.

I’m wondering if this happens because some tracks are duplicates of other or older ones, or maybe not.

Any ideas why this is happening and a solution besides re-creating the affected track/s from scratch?


No idea but since you are still using C12 you have the Project Browser. Select the Volume lane and open the Browser (Project → Browser).
This would show any automation points in a list form. If the list is empty there is none.

@Johnny_Moneto - Thanks for response and info (I wasn’t aware of the Project Browser, so that’s useful). I did as you suggested on a track with that situation, with weird result:

My project is just under 6 min. with 79 bars @54 bpm. The Browser showed three or so points way past that, the furthest one at bar *37805 1. 4.116 * Woah…

So I stretched to project insanely long so to find all those way far away points, but there were none to delete.

My guess is that - as can sometimes happen - parts of a project can get corrupted and can’t be fixed.

Bottom line, this situation isn’t a huge issue, just a nuisance and if I have to re-create the track, so be it.

But I learned about the Browser, so that’s a win. :slight_smile:

You should be able to delete the automation points right there in the Browser. Select them and hit the Del key.

I tried to figure out a good use for this browser for almost 20 years. And then, when it finally clicked for me, Steinberg removed it as a feature. Enjoy Cubase 12, because in Cubase 13 this Browser is no more.

OK. I had attempted to delete the points on the actual automation line - but since they were not visible, not possible. This worked. Thanks.

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