C10...the colours again.

I can’t even open a single existing project in Windows Pro 10, but have succeeded in getting Elements on the MacBook Pro. While white text on black is a nightmare, I nevertheless don’t know what you’re all on about. You can choose a lighter theme in settings. 1 click, done.

I absolutely love the new theme. I prefer dark themes in general. But it seems like it’d be a good idea to offer a light mode for people who aren’t into this aesthetic.

Maybe a happy side effect of the bitmap usage reduction hiDPI rework could be that the new widgets would be easier to offer a customization option for?


I, too, like the new theme / look.

I’ve adjusted my colors and they are very acceptable to me. The only consideration I’d request to change perhaps is the strong white color of the track header. It could be toned down a little bit :slight_smile:

Looks great to me!

I’m with you to a point. The music should be the primary reason anyone purchases Cubase. I do think that appearance is important - it just gives a psychological ‘lift’ as well as an aid to functionality.

I remember seeing SX3 for the first time, after Cubase 3.1 on the Atari. Seeing Cubase in colour seemed weird then. It put me off a little.

good for you


this as certain as the amen at church

I’m not sure why the colours or shades of the new version is such a hot topic. In preferences I was able to make it look pretty much the same as Pro 9. Funny thing was, I switched back to the default and realized I liked it better. Although I did make the smallest little adjustment to make it about 10 percent lighter.

I don’t understand why I can’t build a light grey GUI in C10. I had this 2 versions ago. My man’s cave has lots of daylight, a light GUI is easier on the eyes.

And maybe switch to a darker version at night.

Exactly. They stuck it to all of us, starting in Cubase 9. Ever since then, they put this ridiculous thin color spectrum to pick from and made the rest of the color spectrum “transparent” and not selectable. So to all the users on here saying that you can change it with one click and you’re done, no you can’t. Go look again at Cubase 8.5 and then look at every version since.

The interesting thing (some might call it ironic) is that this very forum is using a light grey theme, which out of all the colors in the world to pick from, they used…while doing the exact opposite for the very software that they are promoting/supporting here.

Not strictly regarding colours, but is anyone slightly niggled that when you open a cubase project folder (since Cubase 10) the “BAK” files have the cubase icon, and the “Cubase Project” file has the blank icon?? Or is it just me getting this? Solution appreciated. Thanks.

I said that many times. You have a thousand reasons. Why Steinberg subtracts possibilities instead of adding some? And white on black and horrible. For people who wonder why we are talking about it, I answer: why are professionals working on GUIs? Because it’s important. So, if it’s important, please let yourself talk! I find Cubase 10 so ugly and dark that I do not use it.