C11 Mediabay – difference between Refresh Views, Rescan Disk, Quick Rescan Disk?

So what’s the difference between Refresh Views, Rescan Disk, Quick Rescan Disk in Mediabay? I’m using Cubase 11.

Polite bump.

Just checked it, looks like, if you made changes without moving files/folders, you can just Refresh Views. If you moved your files/folders to a different location, you need to Rescan Disk.
As I understand, Quick Rescan and Rescan are probably the same but the difference is in the search algorithms. You can do Quick Rescan first, but if your results aren’t updated, you may do Rescan Disk.
Maybe someone can give a more accurate answer, because I didn’t understand this fully as well, even after reading the manual :slightly_smiling_face: