C12 BUG? Focus Quick Controls Ability Lost if Komplete Kontrol TRACK is "Selected"

I’ve tested the new FOCUS Quick Controls ability by setting up my Komplete Kontrol S series in the new C12’s MIDI Remote Mapping section, and think I found a (hopefully fixable) bug… by either Steinberg or Native Instruments.

While the 8 knobs can be mapped to Focus Quick Controls, the moment the instrument track containing an instance of Komplete Kontrol VSTi is selected, the new C12 auto focus ability is broken and will only control parameters of the KK instrument. It’s like the KK hogs the smart focus ability until a track not containing KK is highlighted.

For example, I can focus quick control a compressor that is applied to the track with the KK instance loaded, but I have to make sure the KK track itself is NOT selected. Otherwise the focus which I want on the compressor (active window) will be lost to the instrument again.

It would be great if Steiny or NI could fix this… or maybe someone who is good with API can tweak the code to fix this glitch so that the smart focus ability is protected even if the instrument track VSTi is Komplete Kontrol.

Hi @Orlando74 , Quick Controls are not very self-explaining I have to admit. There are two (and a half) different types of Quick Controls:

1: Track Quick Controls

  • found in the left zone inspector

2: Plugin Quick Controls a.k.a. VST Quick Controls

  • found in plugin windows (hit the top right "QC"button to show them)
  • found in the right zone VSTi Tab on each instrument slot

2 1/2: Focus Quick Controls

  • point to Track or Plugin Quick Controls depending on the current window focus
  • only available for MIDI Remote mappings
  • Behaviour can be changed to “Only selected tracks” or “Only focused plugin window” or “Use both, Track and Plugin QCs”

You have several options to solve the problem:
Change the Focus Quick Controls options


Remap your knobs to Track Quick Controls
Fast approach is by right clicking the according Track QCs.

Of cause there is a section in the Mapping Assistant’s Functions Browser as well.

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Doesn’t the lock button on the vst plug-in QC make it so only that plugin is activated. The lock on the upper right of the plug-in.

I have quite the same problem, so I think it is a bug…
I’m using a Komplete Kontrol S49 mk2, and therefore mainly the 8 rotary encoders, to access the (Focus) Quick Controls. I just added the S49 as a MIDI Remote and assigned the Focus Quick Controls 1-8 to the rotary encoders 1-8.
Works, so far so good!

But here is the problem: I put my Quick Control-Focus setting to “PlugIn-Window-Focus”, so I can only control the Plugin / Instrument which the QC focus is enabled on.

But when I have loaded for example two instances of Halion, and have both GUIs open/ visible, then click on the Halion-01 GUI (so the QC focus is on the Halion-01 window) but simultaneously the Halion-02 track is enabled, I control both Halion-01 and Halion-02 Quick Controls with the rotary encoders of my S49. So one Halion instance is completely messed up unintended!

So the QC Focus setting “PlugIn-Window-Focus” doesn’t work as it should. It behaves exactly like the “Track and PlugIn-Window-Focus” imho…

I’m working on Nuendo 12.0.50, Windows 10 latest update