C12 - No Volume Data on Project Window Group or FX Tracks

As seen in the screenshot of a few Group tracks, there is only the word “Volume” - usually there is the level data to the right of that in the same text box.

This suddenly started for no apparent reason (though I may have hit some key command by accident that I’m not aware of). MixConsole shows the data, but not the Project window.

Here is what Googles AI suggested, but I haven’t found or don’t know where such “Show Volume” option is located as stated:

If you’re not seeing a volume number in the Cubase 12 Project window, it’s likely because the “Show Volume” option is not activated; to fix this, right-click on the track header in the Project window and make sure the “Show Volume” checkbox is ticked; this will display the current volume level of each track directly in the Project window

Probably a very obvious solution, so help welcomed.


I can see the Volume lines of the Group Channels in your screenshot. The grey lines are the Volume lines.

Thanks, I know, but… there isn’t any numeric data of the levels such as 0.00 or whatever in a separate little text box to the right of the one with “Volume” in it.

Such as there is by default for an Instrument track. Such as one of those that is routed to the highlighted group track in my first screenshot, in this case a Volume value of -15.0.

Maybe my memory is faulty, but I thought I used to see that data on Group or FX tracks too. If so, how to I make that happen? I don’t think it’s in Track Controls settings, and as shown below Group tracks have less options than an Instrument track.


Isn’t it hidden on the right or in the 2nd raw?

You mean as an automation lane? No such option since that Volume box is there so one can’t add another Volume.

This is my C12. The item name is “Parameter”, which is on your hidden side.

Looks like this on the track:

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@Johnny_Moneto - OK, thanks, that worked. :slight_smile:

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