C14 Display Quantize not working?

Hi! In the Score Editor in C14 how do I change only the selected notes to a different note value without changing the midi note(only change the display)? For example change a selected 16th notes to 8th notes.
In the manual it states:
“To change the Display Quantize settings for a selection of note events, select the notes in the score display, and activate DQ”.
That’s what I’m doing, select the notes I want to change the note value and activate the DQ by clicking its icon but nothing happens.(am i missing something? )
Are there any other ways to change the display of note value without changing the midi note?
I know about selecting notes and going to the note icons above the info line and choose a different note value but it changes not only the selected notes but all notes in the phrase. I only want to affect the selected notes.
Thank you!

If you follow the 4 steps as described in the manual, that should indeed work. This will not alter the notes themselves, but create a “Display Quantize” event just before the first selected note, including the DQ settings defined in the little dropdown dialog that can be opened from the toolbar DQ icon. It also then creates a second DQ event just after the last selected note, which does reset the DQ settings back to the default for the track.

I can’t seem to make it work.

  1. open DQ dialog box and choose Fixed 1/8 , (also tried Auto 1/8, )
  2. select notes I’d like to change to 1/8 notes
  3. activate DQ by clicking the icon (should the selected note change now to the value set in the DQ dialog box?

After clicking on the DQ icon and nothing changed, I tried clicking on the selected 16th notes(while DQ is activated) and it did change the selected notes but it also changed all un-selected 16th notes and there was only one DQ event created.

Can you share a screenshot, or possibly even a cut-down version of the project?

The DQ event attempts to quantize all notes that follow the event to a minimum duration 1/8th.

If you want to adjust individual notes, you can click the note duration on those notes (pencil tool active). This will also change the duration of the midi note though, which you can then readjust in the key editor to a degree before they snap back to the shorter notated duration.

It’ll be easier to comment on your specific case if you show an example though.

Thanks Stefan. What you’re describing is exactly what I’m running into.

Both methods is what I’m trying to avoid bc I simply want to change the duration of selected notes without affecting the midi note or un-selected notes, but the click on the note duration would be ideal if there was an option to not affect the midi note (in some cases you do want the midi to follow the display). I tried adjusting the midi note lenth after clicking the note duration but changing the lenth only a bit changed the display.

I’d be happy to send screenshots but since I’m new to the score editor and the issue I’m running into is probably the default behavior:
What’s the best way to change the display note value of selected notes without affecting the midi note or un-selected notes?

The two options described are currently the only way to influence the automatic display quantize. I agree, it would be nice to have more control in the way you describe. We’ll certainly consider how we can facilitate that in future.
It would still be interesting to see a small project demonstrating your use case, as the context is also important for our algorithm.

here’s a screenshot

I think there are three ways of getting the behaviour you want.

  1. Change the notehead in the score editor to 1/8 and then drag the duration in the key editor back to 1/16
  2. Create the DQ8 event as you have done, and then clear the selection and insert a DQ Reset event on the next note. ‘Reset’ will reset to the DQ defaults for this instrument
  3. If you want to apply a DQ override to more than one note (which you can do here because you have a chord), there is a useful shortcut. Select both notes and then select the DQ tool to create a DQ8. This will create the DQ event and the reset event on the next note

Thanks Paul! I ran into a couple snags w the 3 methods.

  1. I changed the note head by clicking on the Note Values above the info line which changed the selected 16th notes to 8th notes but when resizing the midi note in the key editor back to 16th notes, it also changed the notation display.

  2. the snag with #2 method is the reset didn’t change the 8th notes on beat one in the bass clef back to 16th notes(screenshot below) If I erase the notes on beat 1 in the bass clef and enter the notes again, it still won’t give me 16th notes anymore.

  3. method #3 Selecting the notes before using DQ8 didn’t automatically create a reset event on the next notes. It only created a DQ8 event, no reset event was created.

Method #2 seem to be the only method that works as expected aside from not changing the 8th notes on beat 1 back to 16th notes.

This is one scenario I’d like to find a solution for but in general I’m just looking for a way to change the display notation without affecting the playback.


I’m afraid that there isn’t a way of getting exactly what you need at the moment. When you set the notated note length property by clicking a notehead button, then the scoring engine looks at that property and the actual length of the note and has to decide what notehead to use for it. Currently, if the played duration is between 0.5 and 2 times the length of the note length property then it will choose the note length property. This allows the user to tweak the exact duration of the note for playback.

Consider though what would happen if we didn’t have this 0.5 - 2x check. The user drags a quarter note in the key editor to make it a full note, but the notation still shows a quarter note. Or the user duplicates a few notes and drags them with different durations, but the notation still shows original lengths.

I’m not sure how to resolve the case where you want to force the note length property to be different to the played duration. It would need extra properties that we don’t currently have.

Got it that makes sense. Just curious and to confirm for example, if I clicked in the key editor a 16th note on beat “1” and a 16th note on beat “and of 1” , the score would display: a 16th note on beat 1, followed by a 16th rest, a 16th note on beat “and of 1” followed by a 16th rest. Now instead I want it to display an 8th note on beat “1” and an 8th note on “and of 1” beamed together but still sound like the first example (16th) that’s not possible.
I guess a workaround as far as the notation would be to change the 16th to 8th in the key editor and for the notation add a Staccato marking on the 8th notes but too bad while composing in Cubase you wouldn’t hear them as 16th notes.

The quantization logic is contextual. It doesn’t just use the length of a note, it also considers the time between the end of one note and the start of the next one. The intention is to get the cleanest notation that (hopefully) corresponds to the musical intent. The behaviour is different if there another note following because the quantizer wants to avoid the visual noise of rests if they aren’t required.

The default behaviour if you input a 1/16 note, followed by a 1/16 rest and then another 1/16 note, is a pair of 1/8 notes with staccato dot. There is an option to disable the auto staccato in Score > Instrument Settings.

Hi Paul. What instruments in Halion Sonic 7 or other Steinberg instruments that can playback articulation markings?
Is there a way to apply articulations to third party synths or non-orchestral instruments?
I’m thinking instead of changing the note value, use
articulations.(screenshot )

HALion Symphonic Orchestra and Iconica Sketch have support for articulations, and Dorico uses these extensively. In Cubase 14 it is possible to trigger articulations in the plugins using Expression Maps, but currently only a few are wired up in the Score Editor, eg staccato and tremolo (the Score Editor will display tremolos but you can’t currently create them – that should be in the next update)