C14 Help with my Cheat Sheet for default modifiers

EDIT 2-24-2025 I have added some more. Thanks Martin.

I’m checking my little cheat sheet to confirm Cubase 14 default modifiers are up to date. In order to stay on the same page, these are all the stock factory default modifiers. I have not altered any tool modifiers.

I would love any additions or clarifications. Any that I have left out in C14? Any I have listed that are not understandable below? Any not working?

Is there a comprehensive source in the pdf listing these? It seems to me they are scattered through out the manual.

Cubase Midi Editor. Some of these are creating notes while others need note focus and then modify. Lassoing multiple notes is not included here. I have not checked how these work in the Drum Editor.

Double click & hold on 2nd click=adjust length
Double click +shift=adjust position
Double click=move vertically to adjust velocity
Double click+drag right=snap on for repeated note hits
Sft+Alt=constrain vertical move
Ctr+Alt+shift= contains and duplicates track?
Double click on note=deletes the note
Double click on Key/Drum edit window=draws note.

Project page:
Sft+alt and hold=turn on temporary quick link in Project Page or any mix console.

Ctr+click reset to 0 db.

sft+mouse wheel up/down=scroll toward end/start
ctr mouse wheel up/down=zoom horizontal/vertical
ctr+sft mouse wheel up/down=expand/contract tracks

Hold Ctr+click on automation point, then release ctr=constrain direction with snap on.

These are ones I use most. I suspect there might be dozens more. Sometimes I get FOMO.


here’s a great way to get an overview of all your existing key commands including your own user key commands. The app is programmed by a fellow forum member @fese .

Thanks, I have seen that, but I’m attempting to address default Key Modifiers, not Key Commands.

Sorry, I generously missed that you explicetly mentioned that in your title.

I am not aware of a specific list apart from the one about default tool modifiers

Yes, they are indeed scattered all over the manual and there are numerous modifiers. Searching more than 1000 pages of manual with keywords like “alt” to identify key modifiers systematically - hell no, not an option.

It never crossed my mind to deal with modifiers separately to be honest.
I have a cheat sheet, too. Almost 10 pages containing my most important commands (most of them are customized and associated with devices so it is of no use to share them here) listed under categories and also printed out as a hard copy. I do not differentiate between key commands, modifiers, macros etc. This cheat sheet is changing every now and then so it has been a work in progress for years now.
It is quite an endeavor to pick the ones that really matter. However, really helpful if you haven’t dealt with a particular task for a while.

Maybe someone else has an idea?

No worries! Maybe a new and improved AI of some type in 2026 will list them. They could be listed all together in the manual, but if so, I’m not finding them.


I nominate @Martin.Jirsak :grin:

Actually it was Martin years ago, like around C8, and maybe out of frustration, simply listed a bunch of Key Modifiers where I thought he was just using his memory. Not copying from any list. That’s actually where most of this list comes from.

Maybe thats about it? Or maybe I’m missing a bunch? It could be just fear of missing out.

I’m always trying to streamline and work faster in the Midi Edit Window.

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To get less overwhelmed, in the PDF Operation manual, maybe the following search terms will yield more digestible results?

  • Ctrl/cmd-click (26 matches)
  • Alt/Opt-click (32 matches)
  • Shift-click (17 matches)

Using the above is no guarantee for completeness, but maybe better than relying on memory?

p.s. the counts are what I got using the current Firefox builtin PDF reader on Win10.



By default, double-click on Note deletes the Note. Double-click on empty space draw the Note. All other modifiers are correct.

It’s just Shift + Alt. In this case Ctrl/Cmd is not needed.

Shift + Ctrl/Cmd: Audition.

This is not just in the MixConsole. You can use this one also in the plug-ins, or even at some values in the Info Line (MIDI Note’s Velocity, MIDI CC Value, …).



Yes, just sft+alt.

However, and correct me if I’m wrong, Ctr+alt+sft with a focused track in the Project Window should constrain a vertical move but also duplicate that track as opposed to moving the track?

I realize I wanted to address modifiers only in the Midi Editor, but now it’s tempting to stay out beyond just the Midi Editor.

I’ll check that out. Thanks. I think I’ll also add the term “hold on second click” to see results.

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One thing I was struggling with for a minute when editing automation points was how do I enable Constraint Direction without disabling Snapping.
By default, these two modifiers share the same modifier key—Ctrl.
The solution is to hold down Ctrl, click the automation point and then release Ctrl. This will constrain the direction but leave snapping on.


I’m glad to add an automation category. I hope the cheat sheet doesn’t get out of hand. There is probably so much there…

Agreed. Today I did a pdf search using shift, ctrl, and alt. While there might be some good common modifiers outside of the Midi/Drum Editors, I’m finding 200-300 hits. It’s probably best to stay confined to modifiers in the Midi/Drum editors.

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