before (13.0.50) :
after (14.0.5) :
- we lost space
- font is smaller
- utility of these symbols ?
- utility of this “point” on the slider ?
before (13.0.50) :
after (14.0.5) :
You might not like the “new” Cubase GUI style (it’s obviously subjective), but Steinberg has been consistently - since v9 or v10? - rolling it out into different parts of the DAW, which to me is a good thing. I like consistency, even if I don’t 100% agree with all the choices (like the smaller fonts you pointed out).
The dots clearly are there to highlight where the bar ends and suggests where you are expected to “grab” it.
The “triangles” indicate that the value increases from left to right.
Are you playing d**b or something?
Hi antic604,
I like the new GUI, it’s more “flat design”, but it’s a loss of space when the big knob’s value gets under it instead of keeping it inside (main monitoring volume control).
It’s a loss of readbility with the smaller font.
It’s a loss of space with the useless symbols (triangles refer to volume and panoramic, it’s not related to the left/right = decrease/increase)
It’s a loss of space to choose to put a dot on the slider
And there is no gain of consistency with this new slider’s look (dot + symbols + frame) because, please look before (C13) :
And of course, my questions about the utility were rhetorical and I was playing d**b
Yes, I agree - not all changes are for the better, e.g. smaller fonts, mixed styles / thickness, etc. Hopefully they’ll fix all of this as time goes by.
Not sure why small or thin fonts would ever be considered a constructive change.
My opinion is that accessibility-related changes such as font type/size and colors should ALWAYS be programmed as alterable meta within app Preferences.
The UI of those level controls has always been a problem. They’ve been inconsistent with other controls. The bigger problem though was it was nearly impossible to figure out how to get them to display. That problem has been fixed in C14, but it required a little bit of screen space to do so.