Can a change of meter effect relative position instead of absolute position of notation?

So the default behaviour for meter changes effects the placement of the barline and the notation keeps its absolute position in time.

Applying a meter change to this selection

makes this:

Can I get that same meter change to result in this?

Not directly, I think. But if you select the exceeding rests from every bar (with marquee tool and command(control) dragging, then with insert mode active, delete the rests, and then change the meter to 5/8 you have what you want (for this particular example that you posted, it may be more complicated if you have already complex rhythms notated):

Thanks for trying that out :slight_smile:

The amount of work for that is a bit much for my use case however.
I am trying to generate clock information to relay bar start timing via MIDI to external software and need to place a note at beat one of every bar.

Is there an alternative that could generate (write) a note at beat one of every bar, after meter changes have been applied to the entire piece?

You could delete the notes, change the meter, write the first beat on the first bar, select the whole bar, and press R (repeat) till you have the desired amount of bars filled with your beat.

Thank you, but the use case would be to handle many meter changes over the course of a work. Using the repeat function would only work for the span of bars that are in the same meter.
That’s already how I am handling it as the fastest method, but it is bit time consuming.

Thanks for you help though,
I appreciate it!