Can anyone point me to a good troubleshooting guide for using Kontakt 7 with Dorico 5?

I toyed with the demo last fall and II’m not coming back to Dorico after purchasing the full version. I am using a template for Virtual Drumline and I am able to insert an instrument and use my midi keyboard to enter notes into the staff as I would expect it to do but no sound is playing back.

Is there a general guide of things I should check to make sure it installed and is configured correctly?

Hi @gmiller598, this new series of videos contains all you need to know :wink: :

If after studying them you have more questions, please ask.

Did you see this?

Is it the template you are referring to? If so you could ask there at the Score Sauce website, otherwise the VDL template might be useful for your purposes.

I forgot to add, do a search here because there are a few threads that seem to relate to Kontakt not working. If you need specific help, Mac or Windows, OS version etc. would be helpful, and you can upload your Dorico’s menu Help > Create Diagnostic Report and post the corresponding zip file here for @Ulf (Steinberg audio support) to analyze.

Hi @gmiller598 , just for confirmation, with other instruments like HALion Sonic you do get sound, right?

I got a message from Eric since he wa the creator of the template and he suggested I try using Kontakt 6 because he thinks the most recent update is making his template a bit odd. I reinstalled Kontakt 6 because I actually removed it a few months ago and now Dorico is giving me an error message. I’m uploading the diagnostics report since I appear to now have some sort of Kontakt conflict.

Dorico (582.1 KB)

Any updates or thoughts on the Kontakt issues I am seeing?