Can Cubase 13 Pro import RF64 files?

Like the subject says. I’m trying to import RF64 files that were recorded by Harrison Consoles’ new LiveTrax 1.2.157. Recording done on a MacBook Pro 14-inch M1 Pro. Cubase running on the same machine. Sonoma 14.6.1.

The file in question is 1.7MB.

Cubase 13 Pro will not let me import it. I tried renaming the file extension to .WAV, no worky.

Opened the RF64 file in SpectraLayers One v10.0.50 then exported as WAV.
Cubase WILL import the resulting WAV file. But I want to skip this step if possible. And I could surpass the 4GB file size limit if a WAV in the future.

Surely this is possible…

Hello, Steinberg and Steinberg users. Just bumping this in hopes of someone replying or commenting.

So imagine my excitement when I see that Cubase 14 “now supports 64-bit file format”. So I bought it right away thinking this meant I could now import RF64 files. Nope.