Can markers be removed

In an audiowarp window, is there a way to remove misplaced marks or move misplaced ones?

Again, read the manual.
I really do like to help people but you are a veteran and this is stuff that even the manual explains rather well - if you would only give it a look.


I have used cubase for decades, and had read essentially the whole manual for 8.5, but then there was a period of years where I set aside my projects and was just going to jams and playing. More recently, I got all fired up about getting back into my projects again after updating from Win 7 to Win 11 on a new computer, going from the 3 Firestudio Projects to the SL16R, and cubase from 8.5 to 13. I have returned to all these projects in various stages and in almost all I find some problem and many seem to have no solution, expecially regarding the drum score stuff where forum, phone tech and chat, have not been able to figure why things don’t work, are excalating. There, I have gone over the relevant manual section multiple times and things just don’t happen as they are supposed to. Simple thing like why is ‘edit in scores’ grayed out in 13 and checked and active in 8.5? With the mixer and Presonus’s absolutely untimely and irrelevant ‘help’ seeming provided by automatons, I don’t know if I will ever get answers to some of the simplest routing questions. At 1449 pages, I’m not ready to start going through the whole manual again, because then I’ll have to set aside what limited time I have now and spend days or weeks on that. Currently I often spend more hours trying to figure out things like, why midi stopped, cubase locked up, and task manager won’t close it, so I have to reboot, etc, than working on projects. I thought updating would solve some problems not create far more. I do read parts periodically. Some things like this I think are simple enough that I might get an answer while I continue to work on other aspects of the project. But if you can perhaps suggest a relevant limited section of the manual to check, then I will look.

Or you can get an answer yourself as it will be so much more efficient for your future workflow.
Here it is how to do it:

  1. While working with Cubase press F1 for help (opens the manual)
  2. Type in the keyword you are looking for, in this case “AudioWarp”

That’s about it.

But then there’s be no need for this forum?
Let’s give the guy a break, we can’t all be super intelligent shades of the colour blue. Some of us are just stumblebums (googly points to himself). As @robirdman1 said, he’s been away from Cubase and the difference between 8 and 13 is huge. Even the jump from 12 to 13 is big.

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Thanks Googly. That simple tip on deleting them was all I needed. I do know how to move them to marker positions and did so, but some were not quite at the desired part of the wave, like beginning of a note, exactly, and so deleting and putting a new point was the only way to get to the right waveform point.

Taking a quote out of context is not a nice thing to do @Googly_Smythe

Showing someone a way to gain more independence is a completely different story and not about denying help or questioning the very purpose of this forum.