Can Midi Logical Editor filter pitches with specific articulation?

The situation:

I have a sample library where the stacatto notes are too loud. I am using an expression map and the specific stacatto note articulation is sending MIDI note C#-1. Even though we don’t see those MIDI notes in the piano roll, I was hoping that I could still filter those notes, but it doesn’t seem to work based on the note.

Is there a different way to select notes that are assigned to a specific articulation?

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By “those Notes” I assume you mean the Notes that are playing while the articulation is in effect and not the Keyswitch Notes which change the articulation? And what do you mean by “filter”?

I don’t think this is possible, but maybe someone has a clever idea.

I’m guessing what you want to do is have the staccato Notes play a bit more softly? One approach if you are using something like Halion or Kontakt would be to load a second instance of the VSTi and put it on Channel 2. Then in your Expression Map change it so the staccato articulations play on Channel 2. Then adjust the relative levels between the two instances or change their velocity response curves.

Also double-check your VSTi, perhaps you can adjust the individual levels there.

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Yeah by filter I mean select and then I’d reduce the velocity. The second kontakt instance would work but unfortunately this is in multiple instances. In this case it’ll be easier to go in and individually adjust notes. Was just hoping there was a filter option for this that I missed in the MLE.

I think there is an option within the expression map output to adjust velocity by a percentage ammount for one particular articulation slot. But I’ve never used it so idk if that works.

Can you expand on that?

By the way, I don’t mean a second instance of Kontact. Rather it is a single instance of Kontakt with the same instrument loaded twice - on both Channels 1 & 2.

I’m using VEP. My midi tracks in Cubase have to be set to send to a specific channel (not “all”) and they are all sending through the rack instance to VEP. VEP is set to receive based on channel. So it’s not like an instrument track of kontakt where I can just add instruments to a single kontakt and then filter by channel.

What I could do is add a duplicate instrument in each VEP kontakt on the same channel and remove the articulation in one and reduce the volume in the other.

But that’s still a very clunky way to address the issue when there are multiple articulations that may or may not need to be adjusted. Being able to select notes by articulation in the MLE would be ideal.

Interesting! I don’t remember seeing that. That could be the solution. Will look in to that.

That’s probably something you should have mentioned in the first post.

I always thought it was to set a fixed velocity - but likewise never used it.

Why? I wasn’t asking for workarounds. I was asking for a specific thing. There’s always a dozen workarounds based on specific situations.

What workarounds? We’re just trying to answer your question and it doesn’t help if it becomes a moving target. And then you start giving attitude to the folks helping you?

You asked how to achieve result XYZ. Adding VEP into the mix adds additional constraints on what can or cannot be done. For example, the Track Channel can’t be set to Any

Imagine I asked you and some others to recommend what car model I should buy. And then after everyone spends their own time working on their lists & gives them to me. Only then do I mention it needs to be able to go off-road - something like that really should be mentioned up front.

Nah, dude. The subject of this post is:
Can Midi Logical Editor filter pitches with specific articulation?

That’s what I was trying to figure out. You offered workarounds of loading different instances of Kontakt,etc, etc-which is fine, but it’s not relevant to my needs. When I then took the time to tell you why your solution wasn’t relevant to me, your reply was that “I should have mentioned it earlier”.

There are all sorts of reasons that your solution doesn’t work for me other than VSL. For example, there may already be hundreds of thousands of notes in this score with the articulation that I need to adjust and finding each note spread across multiple tracks that uses the specific articulation and switching the MIDI channel is not the way to do this. . There may be several articulations and I’m trying to find this single solution that then can be applied to other articulations, etc, etc. All…sorts…of…reasons that a solution offered may not work. So my recommendation to you is to read the actual question and answer that (if you want) and know that offering different ideas may or may not be relevant.

Knowing that MLE doesn’t work, I had a single question:
Is there a different way to select notes that are assigned to a specific articulation?

Your solution did not address that, and you are now acting like I didn’t give you the required info, lmao.

hum, I thought it did or at least that was my intent.

Thing is you may think you’ve been very clear in your questions - most of us think we are because we already know what we’re talking about. But for those of us who can’t read your mind there was a large amount of ambiguity in your posts.

I figure I’ve donated about 2 hours of my own time trying to A) figure out what you wanted to do and B) find a way to do it. Meanwhile you’re whining every time about how any proposal doesn’t meet your exacting and yet mysteriously nebulous needs.

It’s not that hard. When someone offers you a helping hand, give them some respect and don’t act like an entitled jerk.

I didn’t ask you to spend two hours doing anything. You answered my question in your third sentence:
I don’t think this is possible, but maybe someone has a clever idea.

You then proceeded to “guess” and make assumptions which I didn’t ask for. You then got upset when the solutions you guessed weren’t relevant to me.

I was clear in my question:
Is there a different way to select notes that are assigned to a specific articulation?

Not only did your solution not answer it, it was in fact pretty much the opposite of what I needed. Think about it. Your solution to my question of how to quickly select notes based on articulations involves literally manually selecting each note based on the articulation and then reassigning them to a different MIDI channel.

Then the answer is no.

Yes, indeed! It’s a shame, and I saw the feature request and voted for it.