Can more CPU be assigned for Halion 7?

Recently purchased H7. Attempted to stack 4 different pads on the same midi channel so they can play simultaneously.

Severe dropouts occur when I play my keyboard fast either with single notes or chords.

The dropouts correspond to the CPU monitor in H7 which overloads into the red. Windows 11 activity monitor shows the CPU load on my 1950x (16 cores, 32 threads) barely moves above 4% load.

Q: is there a way to assign more CPU capacity to H7? It’s there a setting I’m not seeing? I checked the manual and www.

HALion 7->Options->Performance
There’s a Max CPU setting.
Also, make sure MAx Voices is set to at least 512.

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Thanks GS, your answer worked. I use a 4k screen at 100% resolution and hadn’t even noticed the option button as it’s so tiny!

I set H7 to 512 voices and 16 out of 32 processors. It’s running great.

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