Can´t upgrade cubase

I had cubase 14 element and bought an upgrade from cubase 14 element to cubase 14 pro. I’ve done everything to activate it but I keep getting error messages no matter what I do. What’s going on?

Hi and welcome to the forum!

Can you be more specific, please?
What kind of error messages do you get and what did you try so far?


For example, when I try to download t

he access key, I get this screen shot.

Did you try contact Steinberg team?
They are usually very quick and helpful in these matters.

Grim is about to answer and he is much faster than me…
Drum roll…

Open Steinberg activation manager. Is Elements shown as activated in there?
If it is, are you definitely signed in to download assistant with the same details?
If yes can you show us the my products screen of your download assistant.
And make absolutely sure that you bought the correct update as if you accidentally bought an upgrade from artist or from an earlier version of elements these won’t work.

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I bought this at Thomann and the upgrade is from Cubase Le to Cubase 14 pro. I thought LE and Element were pretty much the same, but there was no specific upgrade from Element to pro. If Element is any better, I find it strange that I can’t upgrade from a poor version.

Upgrades only work from the version you have a license for.

I’m not sure why elements to pro upgrades don’t seem to be available from third party sellers…means the cheapest option atm seems to be buying full version outright while it’s on 25% off sale.

If I had known this I would have bought the full version as this upgrade wasn’t that much cheaper. I won’t be buying the full version again. I consider it a waste of money and will continue to use the daw I’ve been using.