Can things be dragged back and forth betwen C6 and SX3?

If I wanted to vocal comp the old way, could I have both programs open, then:

1_ drag my vocal track w/ lanes from C6 to SX3
2_ comp as I like in SX3, then
3_ drag back to C6?

Maybe I should do my vocal takes in SX3, comp in the old way, then drag/drop to C6?

If can’t drag and drop, how would I get C6 to “find” the vocal track I made in SX3?

Thanks -

(Caveat: I didn’t go between Cubase 6 and SX3, but between Cubase 6 and Cubase 5.)

Not via drag ‘n’ drop, but you can “Export selected Tracks”/Import Track Archive… but the composite view, not the individual lanes.
Just tried it now… it works in both directions. In fact, it is easier to re-import into Cubase 6 (the separate lanes are there immediately) than into Cubase 5 (when imported, everything get imported to the same lane, so you have to then drag, manually to separate lanes.

Btw, seeing as how the license for Cubase 6 is also valid for Cubase 5, I think your local dealer will probably be o.k. to give you a Cubase 5 installer (am I correct about that?)

Thanks, as always!, vic france.

Where do you export to?

Thanks -

Belgium or Luxemburg


You can save the export file (it’s just a regular .xml) wherever you wish. Then simply navigate to it when you do “Import Track Archive” (don’t forget to select All Tracks, before clicking “O.K.”)

Hey vic france -

Thanks for your help on this. I know it’s probably not what Steinberg would want, but I’d rather go through the hassle of having to work in the old and the new versions than be without some very helpful comp tools.

BTW - you may export to Belgium or Luxenburg, but I import from there - wonderful ales! :mrgreen: