Cannot access "Force Stemlet Beam" command

I wish to force stemless for the 1st and 3rd 16th rests in the 4th beat of this bar:

I have read the docs and many posts. I have turned on force duration for the rests. I select the rests and the two notes in that beat, but under Edit->Notations->Beaming->Stemlets there are no subcommands listed. The same is true under the context menu.
What am I missing, please?

That’s odd. Are you perhaps using Dorico Elements or Dorico SE rather than Dorico Pro?

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Err, yeah…and I realize now I had downloaded a copy of the Pro manual instead of the Elements. Stemlets not worth $500 or whatever the bump-up is. :grimacing: Thanks for that!

There will be an opportunity to upgrade from Elements to Pro at a discount in the near future, so it might be worth considering soon.