Can't add a full measure rest for upstem voice

In the attached project, in bar 23, staff 1-2, I want to add a full bar rest to explicitly show upstem voice does nothing in that bar.

In a previous forum question someone suggested selecting the bar, then typing “v” to swap upstem with downstem, which will put a rest in the downstem voice. Then typing “v” again to swap back with the upstem voice now having a rest. This has worked elsewhere in this score, but doesn’t work here and in bar 85. What does happen is weird.

I select the bar and type “v”. It does swap the voices and does add a rest in the downstem voice. But the rests in what is now the upstem voice disappear. Typing “v” again does not keep the rest in what is now the upstem voice, though the rests return to the downstem voice. I end up with exactly what I started with.

The project was created by importing an XML file from Finale.
Shepherd.dorico (1.1 MB)

  • Activate Note Input and advance the caret to that bar
  • Toggle V until the Up-stem icon appears (so that you are entering into Up-stem Voice 1)
  • Open the Bars and Barlines popover with Shift-B
  • Type “rest” into the popover and press Enter

Select the G at the end of bar 22 and reset the ends voice property.

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Thank you. What Janus proposed worked so well in both problem measures I didn’t try the option Daniel proposed (though I did make note of it).