Can't Add New Plugins into Cubase Pro 14

Hi, I noticed I have a missing plugin in on one of my sessions all of a sudden. And when I try to add the plugin path into VST Manager, I noticed there is no option to do this either. I need help. Am I missing something?

When I looked it up on the manual, there is supposed to be a cogwheel but it is not here.

Paths are only editable for VST2 plugins. VST3 plugs should not be installed to alternative paths.
You don’t have VST2 scanning enabled.

Just an additional remark in case you are asking yourself how to enabe VST2s - you can see it in your screenshot

THANK YOU this helped me out, plugin came back!

Thank you!

Glad you could solve your problem!

The actual solution did not come from me, though. That was @Grim - I merely pointed out where to find the button :wink: